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Heavy metal toxicity and mineral deficiencies can play a significant role in many disease processes.  The OligoScan technology allows us to make a quick and precise analysis of the trace elements and heavy metals in the tissues. Our team of integrative and functional medicine specialists offer this scan at our Roswell location in the Atlanta area.

The measurement is made directly in our office with a portable spectrophotometer device.

The collected data from is sent to the secure central Oligoscan server within a few clicks. And within 20 seconds, the results back.

This test is a revolutionary technique to check the mineral status of patients in real time.  For health care providers, it allows us to know the most efficient supplementation that would maximize the nutritional benefits for our patients. In case of heavy metal toxicity, we can prescribe chelating techniques, supplements and/or lifestyle changes.

OligoScan is the most innovative testing methodology with the fastest turn around of results available anywhere in the world.  The technology is an invaluable screening tool for actual tissue levels of minerals as opposed to other testing which is only indicative of what is being pulled out of that particular vector.  Together with the urine, fecal, hair and blood measurements, the Oligoscan result transforms the information you have analogous to a 2 dimensional picture and turns it into a 3 dimensional holographic projection within which you can now practically interact.

The data is invaluable and makes for a very precious prevention tool allowing for a longitudinal follow-up of our patients’ mineral status, key mineral ratios, heavy metal levels, mobilization of those metals and overall oxidative stress.

Download a sample report here.